Oficjalnie Pepper X zostala najostrzejsza papryka jak dotad, wyhodowana przez tego samego goscia co carolina reaper - Ed Currie. Jest ona krzyzowka caroliny reapera i papryki jaka dostal od znajomego (nie znalazlem informacji na ten temat)
Pepper X ma srednio 2,693,000 SHU.
Komunikat ze strony Eddiego:
"Pepper X seeds and plants are a patented variety, and it is not available for purchase or use by the general public."
Teraz pewnie pojawi sie fala aukcji z nasionami autentycznej "pepper X". Ciekawe kiedy (i czy w ogole) bedzie ona dostepna kiedys..
A tutaj kilka innych ciekawych tresci:
Mr Currie is one of only five people who has eaten an entire Pepper X.
"I was feeling the heat for three and a half hours. Then the cramps came," Mr Currie told the Associated Press.
"Those cramps are horrible. I was laid out flat on a marble wall for approximately an hour in the rain, groaning in pain."
Mr Currie's lawyer said 10,000 products used the Carolina Reaper name, without permission.
In an effort to protect his intellectual property and see profits this time, Pepper X pods and seeds will not be released.
The only way to taste Pepper X will be through sold hot sauces.